October 10, 2023

Thank You John + Gretchen Clark!

John and Gretchen Clark–globetrotters, philanthropists, Woodford Reserve enthusiasts, parents and grandparents–have been important supporters, cheerleaders and donors for The Kentucky College of Art + Design from the beginning.  

Although they have been spotted recently in Italy and Japan, it was while sailing through rough waters off Iceland that they stopped to tell us a little bit about their backstory.

High School sweethearts, the Clarks met through their respective parents. Ever since, Gretchen has been immersed in the support and growth of their family, including their beloved children and grandchildren, some of whom came in twos and threes!

Meanwhile, John owned and operated a custom manufacturing and commercial printing company for 27 years before launching the Old Stone Press in 2012, an award-winning publishing house based in Louisville.

As KyCAD has grown slowly and carefully, it has relied heavily on philanthropists who understand the importance and power of their giving. We are so grateful for donors like John and Gretchen Clark, whose steadfast support through the Rounsavall Foundation has allowed us to name Joyce Ogden as our VPAA and The Rounsavall Dean of Studio Art.

When asked why they support our mission, the Clarks said it is because, “The arts and arts education are vital for community, environment, historic preservation, innovation, and the development of our youth.”